1. One local community has put together a set of resources to explore. They also at times offer seminars to help work through creating and exploring aspects of a ROL: https://www.thesacredgrace.com/rol
2. One Community’s staff ROL, which may help as a starting point for you as you look to establish your own: https://newlife.nyc/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/pastors_rol.pdf
3. Wonderful podcast featuring Haley Ruth Barton, which discusses part of her journey and aspects of her ROL: https://transformingcenter.org/2017/05/episode-9-rule-life-arranging-lives-spiritual-transformation/
4. More great thoughts on what a ROL is and things to think about as you begin to write your own: https://medium.com/@laganvalleyvineyard/what-is-a-rule-of-life. -5f2419256de8
5. Great article: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/skip-resolutions-make-rule-life/